Programme cadre / Frame Program

27 Octobre / October 27th

10.00: Enregistrement des participants/ Participants registration (Research Institute – Hall)
10.30: Séance d’ouverture/Opening session (Research Institute – Conference Room)
11.00: Pause-café/Coffee break (Research Institute – Hall)
11.15: Séance plénière / Plenary session (Research Institute – Conference Room)
13.00: Déjeuner/Lunch (Research Institute – Hall)
14.00: SmartFIN@ISF workshop (B Building, Room 213)
14.00: Atelier thematique Academika I / Thematic Workshop Academika I (B Building, Room 008)
14.30: Séance plénière II / Plenary session II (Research Institute – Conference Room)
15.45: Pause café/Coffee break (B Building)
16.00: Travaux par pannels / Workshops by panels (B Building)
18.30: Dîner festif /Festive Diner (San Marco, Old Centre of Targoviste)

28 Octobre / October 28th

10.00: Travaux par pannels / Workshops by panels (B-Building)
10.00: Atelier thematique Academika II / Thematic Workshop Academika II (B Building, Room 008)
12.00: Clôture de la conference/ Closing conference (B-Building, Oxford Room)
12.30: Cocktail/Cocktail (B-Building)

Toutes les activités se dérouleront dans le Campus de l’Université Valahia, 13 rue Aleea Sinaia, Târgovişte.
All activities will be organized in Valahia University’ Campus, 13 Aleea Sinaia Street, Târgovişte.